Last review: 4 June 2019
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > Atti di individuazione personale da graduatorie d'istituto

Acts of personal discovery from school rankings

4 June 19

04-06-2019 Discovery teachers acts various contracts t. D.

5-10-2018 Abera Anna 5-10-2018 Low Silvia 5-10-2018 Agnes Jacket 5-10-2018 Gigliola M. 5-10-2018 Mion Alessandra 5-10-2018 Perez To. 5-10-2018 Pucciarelli N. 5-10-2018 Blood Cinzia 5-10-2018 Gods Letizia

4 June 18

acts of personal discovery term

You publish the Act of finding on the following Ata staff: locating Athwart the head teacher Chris discovery Regent Daniela MAZZA

11 April 18

11/04/2018 – Discovery term ATA staff acts

You publish the Act of finding on the following ATA staff:locating Mancini. locating Meneses locating Fer the headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

11 April 18

11/04/2018 – acts of personal discovery term lecturer

You publish the Act of identification for the following teaching staff: locating Zanta-Mantegazzini Bailey the headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

1 March 18

01/03/2018 – acts of personal discovery Professor fixed-term

You publish the Act of identification for the following teaching staff S.T.: 01-03-2018 Leo C. The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

13 February 18

13-02-2018 Discovery term ATA staff acts

Si pubblica l’atto di individuazione personale a tempo determinato ATA: Battaggia Anna. The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza 05-02-2018 Battaggia A.

13 February 18

13-02-2018 fixed-term staff finding teaching acts

Si pubblicano gli atti di individuazione relativi al seguente personale docente: – Casasola Stefania; – Boscaro Veruska. The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza 02-02-2018 Casasola S. 26-01-2018 Boscaro V.

8 February 18

08-02-2018 – acts of fixed-term staff finding Professor

We publish the following acts of identification for the following teaching staff S.T.: 12-01-2018 Ficarra--Olivi 12-01-2018 Ficarra--Olivi 23-01-2018 Farm V. (2) The Headmaster Regent Daniela Mazza

8 February 18

08-01-2018 -Discovery term ATA staff acts

Si pubblicano gli atti relativi all’individuazione del seguente pesonale ATA: 27-09-2017 Traverso K. 28-09-2017 Memo 02-10-2017 Finaldi 16-10-2017 Marramao 24-10-2017 Astero 24-10-2017 Cataldo 07-11-2017 Mancini 14-12-2017 Cataldo-Finaldi-Marramao 16-01-2018 Varchetta Il Dirigente Scolastico Reggente Mazza Daniela

25 January 18

25/01/2018 – personal discovery publication with temporary appointment

Si pubblicano gli atti sottoindicati relativi all’individuazione del personale docente S.B.:   12-12-2017 Zambon Vittorio 11-12-2017 Carli Olivi Sara 10-11-2017 Silvestri Rosetta 16-10-2017 Coppola Nicoletta 09-01-2018 Ficarra 18-10-2017 Papasidero-Tambè-Grillo-Franzini 09-10-2017 Zennaro 09-10-2017 Zanta Emmanuel 09-10-2017 Di Mauro 06-10-2017 Citton Carola 06-10-2017 Zachary Monica 03-10-2017 Strata Maria 03-10-2017 Carraro Saul 02-10-2017 Pierini Monica 25-09-2017 Spanò Pietro »