Last review: 13 January 2022
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Socio-Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli ONLUS

Socio-Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli ONLUS

The 27 February 2014 it was set up Socio-Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli ONLUS, following a resolution of approval by the Board of Institute.
The Association has obtained the registration in the unique registry of the NGOs as it pursues exclusively purpose of social solidarity. The aim of the Association is to promote and financially support the Institute's projects and educational activities for all three orders, Childhood, Primary and Secondary; social purposes and activities are better specified in the Onlus Statute Giovanni Gabrieli.

Destination of the 5xmille to the "Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli ONLUS"

Funds raised with the campaign 5 per thousand 2014 and 2015 allowed the Association to buy n. 4 interactive whiteboards (LIM) that were donated to the Leonardo Da Vinci middle school headquarters in Mirano. In addition, other funds were used to fund a music project for the Meneghetti kindergarten.
Again this year, through the choice of their own 5xmille in tax return, you can assure the Association, without asking for further economic efforts from families, an important economic contribution, that will go to our schools for worthy projects.

To allocate the 5xmille to the "Cultural Association Giovanni Gabrieli ONLUS" you have to sign the tax return model (CU model, Model 730, PF Income Model), card for choosing the destination of the 5xmille of the Irpef, box destined for “Support for volunteers and other non-governmental organisations", specifying the following tax code: