Last review: 17 September 2021

WEBSITE access

All teachers are requested to follow the procedure below for accessing the INTERNAL RESERVED CIRCULARS of the Institute's WEBSITE,,it,Aprire la pagina web  http,,en,Cliccare alla voce LOG IN ,,en,green button on the central blue menu,,it,Fill in the access form with the following data provided by the Faculty Secretariat,,it,& nbsp; Click on the blue LOGIN button,,it,To access the internal & nbsp; circulars,,it,click on INTERNAL CIRCULARS,,it,& nbsp; that appears in the blue central menu,,it,As for access to the Apps of the,,it,GSUITE,,en,all access information is available by consulting,,it: 
1) Open the http web page://

2) Click on LOG IN(green button on the blue central menu)

3) Compilare il modulo di accesso con i seguenti dati forniti dalla Segreteria Docenti:

  • Nome utente
  • Password

4) Click on the blue LOGIN button

To access the internal circulars, click on CIRCULARS that appears in the blue central menu.