Last review: 20 July 2022
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > PA payment – Payments of Families to the Institute

PA payment – Payments of Families to the Institute

We inform you that, starting from March 1st 2021, families should use the following service:

to make voluntary and / or due payments for the various services provided by the school.

Access is done via the Argo electronic register with the credentials already in the possession of the families, following the instructions posted on the school website.

With the PagoInRete system of the Ministry of Education, families receive notifications from the School and can pay online – via PC, Tablet, Smartphone and Tobacconist:

* Voluntary contribution;

* Insurance;

* Extra-curricular activities (projects);

* Educational trips and guided tours;

* Other contributions;

Parents will be able to make electronic payments (in compliance with current legislation) after they have received the payment notices that the school will have issued for attending students.