Last review: 29 November 2021


29 November 21 Article


25 November 21 Article

Selection notice for bullying and cyberbullying project:attachments

Si pubblicano i modelli d compilare per aderire alla selezione del bandoPrevenzione bullismo e cyberbullismoprot.n. 9874. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

24 November 21 Article


23 November 21 Article


22 November 21 Article

NOTICE of selection by contract with expert / or qualified Psychologist / or expert in new technologies for the "Prevention of bullying and cyberbullying" project .

It is published with protocol no. 9874 l’avviso di selezione per contratto di prestazione d’opera con esperta/o esterno con qualifica di Psicologa/o esperto in nuove tecnologie per progetto “Prevenzione bullismo e cyberbullismo” . The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

22 November 21 Article

NOTICE of selection for an opera performance contract with an expert accordionist and song arranger "A concert for me" project .

The notice of selection prot.n. is published. 9872 project expert “A concert for me” primary schools cl. 1^ and 2^ of the Institute. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

22 November 21 Article

25 NOVEMBER International day for the elimination of violence against women

18 November 21 Article

CISL Convening of shareholders' meeting

Convening of the trade union meeting pursuant to Article 8 of the CCNL 29/11/2007

18 November 21 Article

Determine n. 93 – Ethnic percussion project

You publish the resolution. 93 relating to the ethnic percussion project. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza

18 November 21 Article

Determine n. 92 – Music project “Grow at the right pace” kindergarten e “Traveling with music” primary schools.

You publish the resolution. 92 relating to music projects for the Institute's nursery schools and primary schools. The Headmaster Daniela Mazza