Last review: 5 July 2018
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT: BULLYING-CYBERBULLYING NO – Primary School “D. Alighieri” – A.S. 2017-2018

EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT: BULLYING-CYBERBULLYING NO – Primary School “D. Alighieri” – A.S. 2017-2018

The Experimental Project "BULLYING/CYBERBULLYING NO – PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION " involved 107 fourth and fifth class pupils of the primary school “D. Alighieri”.


And’ created under the supervision of the teacher responsible for the bullying/cyberbullying, Eleonora Matarazzo, and with the collaboration of Dr. Zabala of the CTS to Venice and teacher Sabrina Giaj Gisch.


In the project, In addition to prevention of risky behaviours, There was also talk of relational and affective education and education to legality and citizenship.


Starting with the dramatization of an episode of bullying and by watching a movie on the subject, with identification and discussion of different roles in bullying, then passing through discussion of News learned from newspapers and tv news and watching short videos taken from the site "CONNECTED GENERATIONS", the project ended with the realization, pupils involved, billboards to "explain" the Viewer (Fellows, teens and adults) What is bullying/cyberbullying and how to "defend and/or defend".


The project concluded with a meeting between parents and Dr. Zabala of the CTS in Venice by theme “The phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying: grasp the signals and help their children cope with it”.


Thanks for the work and the valuable collaboration….

the Coordinator of the project, ins. Eleonora Matarazzo,

the teacher Sabrina Giaj Gisch,

La Vicaria, ins. Piermaria Sartorato,

Dr. Zabala of the CTS in Venice,

all teachers involved,

school employees of primary school "Dante Alighieri",

school employees ' Leonardo da Vinci ' Plexus, for the preparation of the Salon.