Last review: 8 January 2021
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Circulars > Reserved area > Circ. n. 130 – Convocation of Secondary School Class Councils for the ballots of the first quarter of the year 2020-2021,,it,The circular concerning the convocation of the class councils for the scrutinies of the first quarter of the Secondary School a.s is published,,it,Convocation of the First Grade Secondary School Class Councils for the ballots of the 1st quarter A.S.,,it

Circ. n. 130 – Convocation of Secondary School Class Councils for the ballots of the first quarter of the year 2020-2021,,it,The circular concerning the convocation of the class councils for the scrutinies of the first quarter of the Secondary School a.s is published,,it,Convocation of the First Grade Secondary School Class Councils for the ballots of the 1st quarter A.S.,,it

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