Last review: 16 November 2023

General Acts

Article 12, subparagraph 1 and 2 – Obblighi di pubblicazione concernenti gli atti di carattere normativo e amministrativo generale
1. Without prejudice to the publications in the official journal of the Italian Republic by law 11 December 1984, n. 839, and its implementing rules, le pubbliche amministrazioni pubblicano sui propri siti istituzionali i riferimenti normativi con i relativi link alle norme di legge statale pubblicate nella banca dati «Normativa» che ne regolano l’istituzione, organisation and activities. I am also published directives, circulars, the programs and instructions issued by the Administration and any act that has generally on the Organization, about functions, on the objectives, or processes which determines the interpretation of legal rules that affect them or lay down provisions for the application of them, including codes of conduct.
2. With reference to the statutes and rules of regional law, regulating functions, the Organization and conduct of activities relating to the Administration, the details are published of acts and official lyrics to date.

Normativa Trasparenza