Last review: 17 November 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > TRANSPARENT AMM.NE > Calls for tender and contracts > 17/11/2016 – Expression of interest for informatics equipment technical support schools i.c. "G. G "Mirano (Ve). IGC Code: Z0A1C1293S

17/11/2016 – Expression of interest for informatics equipment technical support schools i.c. "G. G "Mirano (Ve). IGC Code: Z0A1C1293S

Please be advised that in the register is published the following note:

Data Act
Bulletin Number 53/2016
Date 17/11/2016
Reference code Prot. 8109/C20 on 17.11.2016
Object Expression of interest for informatics equipment technical support schools i.c. "G. G "Mirano (Ve). IGC Code: Z0A1C1293S
Publication start date 17/11/2016
Publication end date 17/11/2017
Category Calls and tenders