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Planning and local government

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Normative References

Dlgs 33/2013 – Article 39 – Transparency of planning and land use
1. Public administrations publish:
in) the acts of the territorial Government, whom, among others, spatial plans, plans for coordination, landscape plans, planning tools, implementation and General, and their variants;
b) for each of the acts referred to in point a) are published, promptly, provision schemes before they are brought to the approval; the resolutions for adoption or approval; its technical annexes.
2. The documentation for each submission and approval process of urban transformation proposals of private or public initiative in general urban tool variant however called force and urban transformation proposals of private or public initiative in the implementation of the General town planning which involve rewarding speedier compared private commitment to the realization of infrastructure works extra charges or transfer areas or volumes for purposes of public interest shall be published in a special section the website of affected joint, continuously updated.
3. Advertising of the acts referred to in paragraph 1, letter a), It is a condition of the acquisition of the efficacy of the acts themselves.
4. Detailed disciplines remain firm provided by existing national and regional legislation.

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