Last review: 1 March 2016
Istituto Comprensivo "G. G" - Aim (VE) > Internal circulars > phone > 01/03/2016 – inscriptions a.s.. 2016/2017 _ INFORMATION ABOUT THE RANKINGS

01/03/2016 – inscriptions a.s.. 2016/2017 _ INFORMATION ABOUT THE RANKINGS

We publish the classifications relating to registration for a. s. 2016/2017, of the following plexuses:

-Kindergarten “W. Ferrari”;

-Primary school “Dante Alighieri”;

-Primary school “S. Pellico”.

Ranking W. FERRARI




Inform families who required Plexus only first class enrollments “To. Manzoni” Dance” and “G. Carducci” of Scaltenigo which was set for Saturday 05/03/2016 at 09.00 at the secondary school “L. Da Vinci” to Seek a meeting to discuss the situation created after the registrations and to agree on the choices to be made.

Given the importance of the topic confides in maximum participation.


The School Leader

Monica Cuzzolin